So, I told you I had been working on a secret project. She got it last night. It was for Caren, one of the greatest wives I know. She is amazing. Her husband is leaving the battalion tomorrow... Sad day, Caren will no longer be a part of the coffee group. In the military wives of the officers and first sergents get together once a month or so for a social type thing. It also helps us be more united for the other spouses. Caren was in charge of the coffee group, although in charge is not what I would call it. But, anyway. Traditionally there is a farewell, which was last night. We also gave her a gift. I made the gift. It is a scrapbook of her time with our unit. I scrapbooked it on my computer, then uploaded it to
shutterfly and had it printed in a hard bound book. I must say it turned out great. We had everyone sign it just like a yearbook.